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Selling a house takes time. The latest figures suggest that it takes around 44 days from the date of listing a property to agreeing on a sale. And when you need to sell your house quickly, that might just be too long. But a quick sale is possible. Find out what your options are when it comes to selling your home quickly, and which route is best for you. 

What Are the Different Options for Selling a House Fast in the UK? 

If you need to sell your house quickly, there are a number of options available to you.  

Estate Agents 

A reputable estate agent will be able to put to use their decades of experience and understanding of the local area, listing your property in the right places and attracting buyers who will be genuinely interested in your property. 

Online Estate Agents

An online estate agent is a more cost-effective option, saving you money but reducing the number of places your property will be listed. You will also likely need to do a lot of the legwork, without the benefit of an expert to help. 


A property auction is a quicker method of selling your house. Although there will still be a wait involved, the transaction can be completed faster than a normal property sale. Auctions are often attended by bargain-hunters, so there’s a risk that you’ll have to sell for a lower price than your property is worth. 

Property Buying Companies

The fastest way of selling a house is by using a company that specialises in buying properties quickly for cash. These companies can complete a purchase very fast. Unlike auctions, you can guarantee, but you, again, do pay for that speed with a much lower sale price. 

Private Sale 

You can always advertise and sell your property privately. This option means you aren’t waiting on anyone but the buyer, but it’s also the option with the least support. You’ll need to present your property, market it, arrange and conduct viewings, and negotiate offers yourself. This is more time-consuming than some sellers think and can leave you having to accept a lower offer than your property deserves. 

Questions to Ask Yourself

Selling your house quickly is a balancing act: speed is of the essence, but you also want to make sure you get the best price for your home. So it’s vital that you ask yourself the following questions. 

Am I Willing to Accept a Price Below the Property Value or Can I Wait? 

This is the most important question on this list. The quicker you sell your home, the less you’re likely to get for it. You need to make sure you’re happy leaving money on the table in the name of a quick sale. 

If you can’t stand the idea of letting your home go for less than it’s worth, take a look at your circumstances. Can you wait a little longer to sell? If you can, it might be worth doing so. 

What is the Lowest Price I’m Willing to Accept? 

This should be your firm minimum. Perhaps this is the amount you need to achieve your next goal, such as buying another property, or funding your travels or paying off a debt. But make sure this figure is informed by the market value of your property; don’t set a minimum that is too far away from what you could reasonably get for your home! 

Is My Property Ready to Sell Right Now? 

Good presentation is key to getting the best price for a property. Address general wear and tear, clear away clutter and work on improving your home’s kerb appeal. If work is needed, don’t delay. If you’re committed to a quick sale, good presentation will get the best price possible. 

How Likely is a Quick Sale? 

Is there a high demand for properties in your area? Or are homeowners competing to get buyers? Understanding the local property market will help you determine your chances of attracting a buyer and the likelihood of receiving an acceptable offer. 

Do I Have All the Documentation and Legal Requirements in Place for a Quick Sale? 

Missing documentation will hold up a quick sale. Examples of documents needed to complete a property sale include the title deeds, the Property Information Form (TA6), building regulations approvals and FENSA certificates, to name but a few. 

If you’re not sure you have all the documentation you need, our article on certificates needed to sell a house can help you.

Are House Buying Companies Worth it? 

When you’re looking for a quick property sale, house buying companies might sound like an answer to your problems, promising speedy sales in exchange for cash. But if you’re thinking it sounds too good to be true, you’re right: there are drawbacks. 

Lower Offers

A house buying company buys properties in order to sell them. That means the business only succeeds if it can buy houses for less than it can sell them for. And that means you’re left selling your home for less than the market value, and therefore less than you could get if you sold through an estate agent. 


That lower offer gets even lower after administration fees, legal fees, and handling costs are deducted, leaving you with even less than you thought you’d be getting. 

Lack of Support 

During a regular property sale, you’ll be backed by an estate agent team that has your best interests at heart. A reputable estate agent will put in the time to ensure that the sale meets your requirements as well as ensuring that your property attracts the right buyer; that’s someone who isn’t going to make outrageous demands, hold things up, or try to take advantage of you. 

Selling to a house buying company leaves you without that support. A reputable house buying company will make the process easy. But, if you find yourself well into the sale and things turn sour, there’s no-one fighting your corner but you. 

As such, make sure you do thorough research before engaging with any house buying company. 

Can I Get a Quick Property Sale at Auction? 

An auction is an effective way of selling your property quickly, offering a flexible process that just isn’t possible when selling by traditional methods. There are drawbacks when compared with a traditional property sale, though, which you need to be aware of. 

Your House Might Not Sell 

Auctions can be unpredictable. There’s always a risk that your property won’t sell, meaning you’ll need to start the process all over, wasting time and increasing your stress levels. 

Auctions Aren’t Immediate 

You’re likely imagining the process of selling by auction will take as long as it takes for that hammer to fall. You’ll still need to wait for the auction to take place, and there’s plenty to be done beforehand, such as preparing, presenting, and advertising your property. 

Lower Sale Price 

Auctions are attended by bargain-hunters; they’re not looking to pay the market value, either because they want to sell the property for profit, or they want to get a home for as little as possible. Either way, this means you’ll get a lower price than a reputable estate agent can command for you. 


Don’t forget that whatever the final sale price, you’ll need to deduct the fees. The auction house will have their fee, there’ll be legal fees, advertising fees. It all leaves you with less than you’d expected. And when that sale price was lower to begin with, you’re left with a lot less in your pocket for your work. 

Limited Exposure 

A lot of buyers don’t have the means to buy at auction or just aren’t interested in an auction sale. As such, your property won’t be exposed to as many buyers, reducing your chances of getting the offer your home deserves. 

That said, if selling by auction is the right option for you, we can help. We can help you sell your property quickly with 0% commission, as well as offering committed buyers thanks to our reservation fee policy. Find out more about how to sell your home at auction. 

Should I Switch Estate Agents? 

If you’re trying to sell your home but it isn’t selling as quickly as you’d hoped, switching estate agents can help. 

A Fresh Perspective 

Whatever your old estate agent was doing, it wasn’t working. Switching to a new estate agent can bring a new set of eyes, a new set of ideas, and a new treasure trove of expertise to the table. Your new estate agent can apply their unique experience and understanding of the local property market to get your home the interest it wasn’t getting before. 

Local Knowledge 

If your old estate agent wasn’t able to sell your home, they might have lacked an understanding of the local property market. Switching to an estate agent with deep roots in the community and an intimate knowledge of the area will help you market your property in the right way and attract the right buyers who will make the offers you’re looking for. 

Increased Exposure 

A different estate agent may have different connections and networks, which can result in increased exposure for your property. This increased exposure can lead to more interest and offers, helping you sell your home faster. 

When you need to sell your home quickly, you need an experienced, reputable estate agent with an intimate understanding of your local property market to get the job done. Make sure you choose an estate agent who can provide the support and guidance you need to sell your home quickly and successfully. 

Can Reducing the Asking Price Help Me Sell My Home Faster? 

If you need a quick sale but you’re not getting offers, reducing the asking price can potentially attract buyers who are ready to buy your home. 

It instantly casts a wider net, for one thing, putting your house within the budget of more potential buyers. Those buyers who before couldn’t afford your house are now able to consider it, view it, and submit offers. 

And if the market in your area is particularly competitive, reducing your asking price can give you an advantage. When buyers have their pick of properties, they can afford to take their time, view multiple properties, maybe even multiple times. It can be hard to secure a quick sale. Lowering your asking price makes your property more attractive and increases that fear of missing out; buyers won’t dally if they think your house is a deal that a quicker buyer will snap up. 

What Are the Benefits of Using a Reputable Estate Agent for Selling My Home in the UK Quickly? 

Using a reputable estate agent can make the process of quickly selling a home smooth, easy, stress-free, as well as securing the best offer possible. Here’s what a great estate agent can bring to the table. 


Reputable estate agents have a deep understanding of the property market. The best estate agents have an intimate knowledge of your local area, vital to attracting buyers and securing the best offers. They can also offer valuable insights and advice that will help you sell your home quickly and get the best price for it. 


The right estate agent has decades of experience to draw upon when it comes to presenting your property. And when you’re looking for a quick sale, you don’t have months to get everything just right. You need to know which areas to focus on to get the best results. An estate agent can help you focus your efforts, and then capture your work in the best light that attracts the right buyers. 


The best estate agents can put your property in front of the right people. They’ll advertise your home in the right places, including online portals, local newspapers, and their own website. They’ll leverage their network of contacts to find the right buyers. They may even know of people in the area waiting for a property just like yours. 

Negotiation skills 

A good estate agent knows what your property is worth and took the time to understand your priorities and how much you are willing to accept. They’ll also know, from experience, which buyers can be negotiated with, and which are likely to result in a quick, smooth sale. With their support, you’ll be in a much better position for negotiating and agreeing to offers. 

Reduced stress 

Selling a home can be a stressful and time-consuming process, but a reputable estate agent can help to minimise stress. Their experience means they know exactly what is required and when, so you don’t need to worry about legal requirements or form-filling. You can focus on what matters most to you while a team of experts helps to sell your home. 

Experienced Professionals Can Help You Sell Your Home Quickly

If you need to sell your house quickly, there’s no point taking a chance on unknown quantities like house buying companies or auction houses. Let experienced professionals get you the quick sale you need. We can use our experience of selling houses and our knowledge of the local property market to help sell your home quickly and secure the best price for your home. 

We’ve helped over 30,000 customers along their property journey, and we secured 99% of the asking price on average in 2022. Our local estate agent teams understand the unique factors at play in the property market around you and use them to your advantage. They’ll attract the right buyers, negotiate the right offers, and smooth the process to get your home sold as quickly as possible. 

Speak to our team today to find out how we can help you sell your home as quickly as possible.