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Sweet little One bedroom house in the centre of Kington, access to local shops and walks, also... Read More
221 property views in the last 7 days!
Quote Reference: 05290590
Sweet little One bedroom house in the centre of Kington, access to local shops and walks, also has a little back yard.
Available early March,
Will consider pets.
For more information about our other permitted payments and how they are calculated, please read our Landlord & Tenant Fees in accordance with the Tenant Fee Act 2019.
High Street, Kington, HR5
This first floor apartment has come available, fully furnished, it is over two floors, it also has two double bedrooms, Lounge, Kitchen with a dining area, bathroom with separate shower cubicle Available immediately Call to arrange a viewing
6 new people are interested in this property in the last 7 days!
Knill, Presteigne, LD8
A Charming two bedroom cottage set in a semi rural location with a wonderful private garden and outstanding views. Rental amount includes the water bill. Available from April 2025 Sorry we are now fully booked on viewings
153 people have looked at this property on this website in the last 7 days!